Though all honey is beneficial to equines, the top shelf honey comes from one specific part of the world and is made by the pollen of one specific plant. Manuka honey is so effective and useful to the health and well being of all, that it has its own grading system called the “UMF” or the “Unique Manuka Factor”.
“Active Manuka Honey” (must have a UMF of 10 or more) is more stable and offers longer term benefits than regular honeys. All honey works much like hydrogen peroxide which is an effective healer, yet only stable for short periods of time. Manuka honey can offer the same peroxide benefits for longer periods, making a great natural antibacterial agent, not just for wounds, but as an internal protector of the gut lining.
In humans, Manuka Honey is used to kill bacteria called H. Pylori, however studies have shown that horses do not have the same bacteria present in their digestive system. Horses digest their feeds differently than people, but don’t let this keep you away from trying Manuka Honey with your horse! Many types of bacteria and toxins end up in your horses’ digestive tract, and there is no better way to offer support to them than with natural, whole ingredients!