I just wanted to write and let you know about the great success we have had with Evitex. We have a beautiful black and white homozygous paint stallion, Short Treasure. His bloodlines are fantastic and we were so excited to breed racing mares to him. We found out that Short Treasure was cryptorchid (one testicle was retained in the abdomen cavity).
We consulted with our veterianrian about doing surgery on him and removing the testicle that had not dropped. He told us that Short Treasure may not be able to cover mares properly and that his sperm count would be low. We run the risk of not getting mares in foal with our stallion. We decided to have the vet perform the surgery on Short Treasure anyway. Our vet was not very happy with our decision, but we felt we needed to give our stallion the chance. The surgery was performed and everything went great.
I came across your website and read about Evitex. I called and talked to your friendly and helpful staff about our situation. They told us about the success rate for stallions and also for older mares that have problems conceiving. I decided we had nothing to lose, so I ordered the product. In December of 2003, I started to give Evitex to Short Treasure, faithfully every day. As of today our stallion has covered 15 mares and all 15 mares have conceived. We are so pleased and excited about your product. We are currently giving Evitex to a 19 year old beautiful paint mare that has never had a colt. We are planning on breeding her to our stallion in May. Thanks for such a great product. We would recommend Evitex to any breeding program with older mares that have a problem conceiving or stallions with low sperm counts.
Thanks again, Debbie Conley, Roping C Ranch