Kim and Yvonne Barteau

In September of 2010 Emerald Valley and the Elburn Co-Op took Speedi-Beet to Grand Prix Equestrian Facility, LLC to let them try it on their 65 horses, including international/FEI dressage competitors trained by Kim and Yvonne Barteau’s KYB Dressage program. Since then, barn manager Jessica Lawton, has made the decision to switch all the horses … Read more

Thank you so much for the helpful and natural Evitex

Tuxedo Emerald Valley! Thank you so much for the helpful and natural Evitex. My horse Tuxedo has been on this supplement for many years now, and is doing great! At first, when diagnosed with Cushings I opted with hesitance, for the medication. But shortly thereafter I came across Emerald Valley and IMMEDIATELY ordered the Evitex. … Read more

Sean’s (aka Cusack) impressive hoof growth

Cusack is a New Zealand-born thoroughbred found himself a long way from home. The 11-year-old raced for four wins on Kiwi shores. Cusack ended up in an auction house in Washington State, possibly on a path to slaughter. Susan Young noticed his Kiwi thoroughbred brand. She contacted Horsetalk, who intervened. Deb Johnson saw a Facebook … Read more