Frog Blog

The horse’s body really is a wonder for many reasons.  Given their structure and build, it is amazing what they are able to do.  The frog, in the hoof, is one of the structures that contribute to all that horses are capable of.  As a horse person, you know the importance of keeping hooves clean, …

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Fibre-Beet and Cooked Linseed: The Perfect Winter Combination

Why feeding Fibre-Beet and Cooked Linseed together works so well… Overwintering a horse is a relatively flexible task, as environmental conditions can play an important role. As daylight hours are short, and temperature drops there is a joint requirement to allocate more energy (and possibly heat in the form of mashes) to satisfy heat increment …

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Cooked Linseed: A Worthwhile Addition

Horse feeding is as individualistic as the horse itself. The advice, from whatever source, can be bewildering and, as with any situation, each individual owner will have their personal favorite. Every chat room will have people posting what’s best, what’s not and opinions can get heated! Feed manufacturers formulate the best hard feeds that current …

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Equine Allergies and the Immune System

I remember, as a child taking riding lessons, getting started at the trot and the horse coughing a few times.  I remember feeling like he was going to pull me right over his head and being worried something was wrong.  My instructor would say something like, “He’s just cleaning out the cobwebs.”  The cough would …

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Five Benefits for Feeding Cooked Linseed

• Ideal addition to any feeding regime. Cooked Linseed is beneficial to performance, condition, skin and coat and general health. The processing method, involving just gentle cooking and milling, improves the availability of the nutrients and allows greater utilisation of linseed and a higher digestible energy level. Cooked Linseed supports the horse’s well-being and all …

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