Speedi Beet® Facts

Speedi-Beet vs. Beet Pulp Speedi-Beet is beet pulp reinvented, essentially it has gone through a process forcing the fibres apart and extracting 95% of the sugars, making it a much healthier product for horses. Speedi-Beet is 95% sugar-free and soaks in 10 minutes or less, an advantage for barn management, yielding 3-5 times more product …

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Bob, the pig with attitude!

btb plus

Thank you!!! Everyone who loves Bob is so pleased….especially his veterinarian, Dr. Tim Holt, at the CSU vet teaching Hospital, who recommended your product to begin with. I will send you a more formal thank you but wanted to thank you immediately and send along this photo of Bob….with attitude! Thank you again for caring. …

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BTB Plus Facts

Devil’s Claw Devil’s Claw is sourced from Southeast Africa. The root of this plant has the most therapeutic value. Devil’s claw has been used as a reliable anti-inflammatory and analgesic for centuries. In the 1960’s French and German scientists continued with long-term research and found conclusively, that the active ingredients in Devil’s claw are just …

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Buzz Buzz joined the Callaghan family in January 2009. At that time he was barefoot for the winter and come summer his feet were a horrible mess. Buzz is a stocky Canadian Warmblood and due partially to his size, the hoof walls were crumbling at the bottom. The only way to keep on a shoe …

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Evitex Facts®

Pituitary Dependent Cushings Disorder Dr. Robert Eustace, BVSc, Cert. EO, Cert. EP, FRCVS Harvey Cushing in 1932 described a fatal syndrome in humans characterised by unusual disposition of fat depots, osteoporosis, immune suppression, generalised weakness, which was associated with basophilic adenoma of the pituitary gland. This syndrome we now know to be due to elevated …

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